Who We Are at Excel
The world of insurance is continuously changing. Broker conglomerates are swallowing up local, privately owned independent brokers. Reducing competition always reduces market options for business and insurance services are no exception. Consolidation causes clients in every industry a heavy price: lower expectations, decreased standards, less responsive service, and packaged commercial insurance that attempts a “one-size-fits-all” approach. While this approach may benefit the shareholders of the large conglomerates, it certainly does not help our clients.
As a full partner in Assurex Global, Excel Insurance Group is confident, assured and our future is very bright. Our network of worldwide independent brokers, as well as our clients, all benefit from our connections. We maintain the ability to respond quickly, act decisively, and uncompromisingly deliver what is best for our clients. Our confidence is derived from our character and integrity – a way of doing things driven by doing the right thing, the right way. Always. For every client. Every time.

This is what it means for us to be a part of Assurex Global, the largest network of independently owned insurance brokerages in the world. It is the same driver behind the partnership makeup of Excel Insurance Group here in Canada. Independent insurance brokers unite as one. It ensures reach. It gives us strength. It makes us whole.
And we are enabled. Excel Insurance Group employs specialized industry experts with deep knowledge about your industry and your business, harmonized with the technical prowess that drives comprehensive program design. Our strong relationships with vetted, independent Assurex Global Partners matches global reach with our local capabilities. We deliver customized products and the risk management solutions you need, alongside the service you deserve.